Stakeholders discuss restoration efforts in K/Kumey

Staff Reporter

KOLORIANG, 12 Jul: Kurung Kumey Deputy Commissioner Vishakha Yadav on Friday convened an emergency meeting with local leaders, panchayatand zilla parishad members, women’s groups and senior public representatives to assess the damagescaused and the restoration efforts in the district.

Pressing issues, including bridge connectivity, alternative routes, and blocked pathways were discussed, and suggestions were sought from the public.

The public representatives assured the administration of their full support in the restoration and recovery efforts.

Later the team visited the Kurung bridge point to assess the damage and took stock of the ongoing repair work.

 The SP, the BRO OC, and ZPMs were in the inspection team, which also visited the heavily damaged route between Yumlam and Parsi-Parlo, where the DC instructed the RWD to submit the assessment report and start the clearance work immediately.

Meanwhile, the DA provided ration to the people of Damin, Parsiparlo and Paniasang this week, using the alternative route through Parsi-Parlo.

Water and electricity supply has been restored in major parts of the district and essential supplies have been provided.

“Mission mode restoration efforts are underway to get life back to normal. However, continuous rains are still a challenge,” the DC said.