Re-advertising the posts is neither a practical nor a fair solution

We wish to express our deep concern regarding the recent demands for the re-advertisement of the PGT and TGT posts, which were initially advertised in 2022. While we understand the frustrations of those calling for re-advertisement, we believe this course of action would be unfair and detrimental to the recruitment process.
Firstly, re-advertising these posts would disadvantage candidates who had already applied during the original advertisement period. Many of us have invested significant time, effort, and resources in preparing for the recruitment process and should not be penalized due to circumstances beyond our control. By re-opening the process, an entirely new pool of applicants would be introduced, putting the original candidates at a distinct disadvantage.
Furthermore, those of us who applied within the original advertisement period did so under specific eligibility criteria, including age limits. Re-advertising the posts now would extend eligibility to newer candidates who have completed their B.Ed. degrees in 2023 and 2024, creating an uneven competition. Some of the original applicants may now face age-related disqualification or be nearing the upper age limit, making it more difficult to compete under the revised conditions. Such a move would penalize those who followed the rules and guidelines set forth at the time of the original notification.
Additionally, re-advertising would lead to further delays in the recruitment process, at a time when the state is already experiencing a shortage of subject teachers. Prolonging the hiring process will directly impact the quality of education in schools, where the lack of specialized teachers is already affecting students’ learning. Delaying the recruitment further will only exacerbate this issue, leaving classrooms without the necessary educators for even longer.
Instead of restarting the entire recruitment cycle, we urge the focus to be on ensuring transparency and fairness in the upcoming stages of the process. The recruitment should proceed with only those candidates who applied during the initial advertisement in 2022, with proper safeguards to prevent any malpractice or irregularities.
Re-advertising the PGT and TGT posts is neither a practical nor a fair solution. The priority should be on completing the recruitment process efficiently and equitably for those who applied under the initial advertisement, ensuring that their efforts are not disregarded due to unnecessary delays, and ensuring schools get the qualified teachers they urgently need.
Concerned PGT/TGT aspirants