Training prog on tuber crops, agri-food system

KANUBARI, 21 Feb: More than 400 farmers from different villages of Longding district participated in a training programme on ‘Tuber crops and agri-food system for sustainable income generation’, organised here on Friday by the Horticulture Department, in collaboration with Kerala-based Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI).

Resource persons from the CTCRI imparted pre- and post-harvest management training to the trainees.

Attending the programme, Agri & Allied Minister GD Wangsu highlighted the need for such training for capacity building of indigenous farmers. He advised the participants to learn from the training provided by the resource persons.

CTCRI Director Dr G Biju, CTCRI principal scientist Dr R Muthuraj, CTCRI senior scientist Dr D Jaganathan, and CTCRI scientist Dr P Prakash were the resource persons.

Effective utilisation of new technologies in food packaging industries and best practices for tuber crops cultivation were the focus areas of the training programme.

The trainees were also educated on integrated insect and pest and diseases control management for tuber crops. Marketable bio-products of cassava, sweet potato, yams, etc, were also demonstrated and explained by the scientists.