ITANAGAR, Jul 6: The Land Affected People’s Forum (LAPF) of the Joram to Koloriang highway under Pistana and Deed circles in Lower Subansiri district has demanded the return of land transfer certificates (LTC) issued to the government for construction the Joram-Koloriang stretch of the Trans-Arunachal Highway (TAH) within seven days.
In a representation to the chief secretary on 5 July, the LAPF said the beneficiaries/project-affected persons had no other option but to approach the appropriate forum for cancellation of the LTCs and reclaiming of land and properties, if the government fails to fulfill the demand within the given time.
“The project-affected people will start a non-corporation movement against any authorities for construction of Joram-Koloriang road (20 to 30 km) and will not spare an inch of land for the said project,” it added.
It said the approved compensation amount for the project should be returned to the MoRTH.
The forum accused the authority concerned of “illegally and arbitrarily freezing or withholding the bank accounts of beneficiaries, whereas as per the order dated 26.05.2018, only the land compensation-related bank accounts operated in the name of the Lower Subansiri deputy commissioner were temporarily freezed.”
It said the beneficiaries are unable to withdraw the compensation amount “due to illegal and arbitrary freezing of their bank accounts.
“The authority had disbursed legitimate compensation to beneficiaries as per final DPR and approved road alignment plan after obtaining LTC following the proper assessment and verification of the properties of project affected people,” the forum said, and alleged that individual beneficiaries and government officials were arrested based on false, motivated and concocted complaint made by some persons with vested interests.
“They are being targeted by the government at the behest of persons with political power,” it said.
The forum further said that the cross re-verification team under the supervision of fact-finding committee member AK Singh “carried out fresh measurements and assessment in an illegal and arbitrary manner instead of carrying out cross re-verification as per already approved road alignment plan and final DPR for Joram-Koloriang road.
“The government is playing an eyewash game with the beneficiaries by constituting committee after committee and carrying out cross re-verification process,” it alleged.
Union seeks notification of TAH beneficiaries’ list Meanwhile, The All Yachuli Students’ Union has sought immediate notification of the final list of the actual project-affected beneficiaries of the Joram-Koloriang stretch of the Trans-Arunachal Highway.
The union on Friday submitted a representation to the chairman of the fact-finding committee looking into the scam involving the Joram-Koloriang (20-50 km) stretch, in which it pressed for early settlement of the compensation issue and commencement of the Potin-Upper Yachuli stretch of the TAH project
It also sought the intervention of the chairman of the fact-finding committee for early execution of the Potin-Bopi stretch, and settlement of compensation to all the project-affected families.