‘Ensure schemes’ benefits reach the vulnerable’

TAWANG, Aug 3: Divisional Commissioner (West) Gamli Padu asked the administrative officers and DCPOs here to ensure that welfare schemes meant for the vulnerable sections of the society reach the beneficiaries.
Addressing administrative officers and CDPOs during a meeting here on Friday, Padu, who is also the commissioner of women & child development and SJETA, said development of the vulnerable section “is the main focus of the department, where the district administration can play a pivotal role in successful implementation of the schemes.”
He emphasized on the need to construct toilets and provide water supply facilities at all anganwadi centres, and on cent percent Aadhaar enrollment and seeding.
Speaking about the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, he asked the CDPOs to ensure constitution of an internal complaint committee at every workplace to look into matters of sexual harassment of women at workplace.
Earlier, Padu reviewed the implementation of various welfare schemes meant for the SCs/STs, women, orphans, children, and differently-abled persons.
Tawang CDPO Dondup Pema made a presentation on the activities undertaken in recent times, and on the status of the schemes under the department.
Tawang District ICDS Cell In-charge Lian Moyee and the West Kameng ICDS deputy director also attended the meeting. (DIPRO)