Constant change of political loyalty

With assembly election nearing, the shifting of political loyalties is intensifying in the state. On Thursday two legislators of National People’s Party (NPP) Tapang Taloh and Rajesh Tacho joined Congress. In 2014 they were elected on Congress ticket but later shifted loyalty to Peoples Party of Arunachal and in July last year they joined NPP. In the span of 4 and half year they changed party thrice which is a record in itself. It is because of this kind of politics, the politicians of state are losing the respect of the people. Barring few the majorities of politicians in Arunachal Pradesh do not follow any political ideology and keeps on changing party as per their convenient.
The hunger for power is the only thing that seems to motivate them. In the history of state politics, few like former Chief Minister and senior Congress leader Nabam Tuki, Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee president Takam Sanjoy and state BJP President Tapir Gao have remained loyal to their respective parties. The constant shifting of political loyalties has only caused harm to the state. The moment a new party comes to power at centre the state witness political instability. The period from 2014 to 2016 was one of the worst in the political history of state. The then Congress government under Nabam Tuki faced continues rebellion and development took complete back seat. The regular changes of political loyalties have also hurt the image of state. If Arunachal has to truly progress there has to be political stability. For this both politicians and the people of state together will have to make sincere effort.