Pay salary on time

The education minister Taba Tedir on Tuesday announced that 400 posts for the regularization of SSA teachers are being finalized. This is a welcome move and one which is long overdue. Many of these SSA teachers are dedicatedly serving in the state for the last many years. Unfortunately, because of the wrongdoings of few, the SSA teachers as a whole are always criticized. But it is a fact that in several parts of the state, especially in the interior areas, majority of schools are virtually run by the SSA teachers. Even without being paid regularly they sincerely perform their duties.
Therefore it is a good move on the part of education department to initiate the process for the regularization of SSA teachers. But the process should be fully transparent. There should not be any kind of interference and only deserving candidates should get opportunity. Apart from it, the education department should make effort to disburse salaries on time to the teachers working under SSA and Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA). The situation is much worse for the RMSA teachers. It is alleged that RMSA teachers are paid salaries twice in a year. Such delay will demoralize the morale of the teachers and will also affect the quality of education. Also many of these teachers are not provided accommodation in their place of posting which further complicates the matter. The education department will have to look into these concerns and address them on priorities.