ITANAGAR, Aug 27: Governor BD Mishra during a meeting with Deputy Chief Minister Chowna Mein and Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairman Ninong Ering here on Tuesday discussed matters related to “proper financial working” in the state in order to “eliminate the audit observations from the comptroller & auditor general (CAG) of India in their audit book.”
The DCM suggested that Ering, “being an experienced leader, with the support of all the government departments” would be able to work out a method and procedure for eliminating audit objections and observations during the current financial year.
It was decided that fortnightly meetings, to be chaired by Ering, would be held to resolve the issue of audit objections, and that each department should nominate a competent officer to attend the meetings regularly.
It was also decided that every officer attending the meeting should come prepared to explain the issues connected with the audit objections, and that
the PAC chairman would allocate preparatory tasks to each officer. It would be obligatory for all officers to complete their preparatory tasks for the next meeting.
“We, as a state, should treat it as a matter of honour and a point of dignity to ensure that in the next CAG report our state has the least audit observations, and, if possible, no audit observation at all,” the governor said.'(Raj Bhavan)