Girl toppers of Lohit felicitated

TEZU, Nov 19: The Denning Society here in Lohit district on Monday felicitated the girl toppers of the district as part of a function to commemorate the fifth death anniversary of Telosai Mele, the First Lady teacher of the state.
The toppers who were felicitated were Meera Ngadong (Class 10, Tafragam VKV), Tekesi Mining (Class 12, Science, Mahadevpur JNV), Bajenlu Yun (Class 12, Commerce, Mahadevpur JNV), Sosi Dellang (Class 12, Humanity, Tezu GHSS), and Sangita Das (Denning College of Teacher Education or DCTE).
Deputy Commissioner Prince Dhawan, who attended the programme, highlighted the issues related to the education sector in the district, and motivated the younger generation to “take inspiration from the great idols of the locality, like late Telosai Mele, and follow their path.”
He also cautioned the students to stay away from all kinds of addiction.
Commending the DCTE chairman, Dhawan gave assurance that the district administration would award the best lady teacher every year on Republic Day.
Lok Sabha Director Maya Linggi, who is the eldest daughter of late Telosai Mele, also spoke.
SP D Wangdi Thungon was also present on the occasion.
Students of the Sunpura VKV and trainees of the DCTE participated in the event.