The capital police on Thursday claimed that VIPs/senior government officers do not cooperate with the medical teams that are currently stationed at various entry points in view of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak. These VIPs have been found to neglect the health directives issued by the state government. They do not stop their vehicles for screening at the check gates. This kind of irresponsible and elitist behaviour is highly condemnable. The state government should take stringent action against such government officers and VIPs, whatever position one may hold.
At this juncture, when the whole world is struggling to contain the spread of Covid-19, it is the duty of every citizen to extend every possible support for containment of the virus. The reckless behaviour of the elites can put the whole state in danger. Due to such VIP attitude, recently the son of a senior bureaucrat in West Bengal skipped screening at the airport while returning from London. He did not quarantine himself and later was found to be infected with Covid-19. By then he had came into contact with several people and there are fears that he may have infected several others. Therefore it is very important that everyone mandatorily follows the directives issued by the ministry of health & family welfare. Especially those coming from other countries or states with a history of Covid-19 should take extra precaution.