Fresh samples connected to Nizamuddin test negative

Staff Reporter
ITANAGAR, Apr 4: All swab samples of those connected to the Nizamuddin Tablighi Markaz have returned negative results.
The returnees and their families, numbering 25, have all tested negative for Covid-19, informed the state surveillance cell of the integrated disease surveillance programme.
The family members of the first Covid-19 positive patient in the state had also tested negative for the virus on Friday. The patient’s parents, brother, and sister-in-law will be retested soon.
The patient, a 31-year-old migrant labourer, is asymptomatic and is in the isolation ward of the zonal general hospital in Lohit HQ Tezu.
The person had travelled to Nizamuddin in Delhi, where a religious congregation had taken place recently. The area has since emerged as the epicentre of the coronavirus.
The surveillance cell has appealed to anyone in Arunachal who attended the religious congregation of the Tablighi Jamaat in Nizamuddin to immediately contact the health department at 0360-2350407/104.
The total number of people tested till Saturday was 134. The results of 28 are awaited.
Meanwhile, Mamata Riba, who has been appointment as OSD for Covid-19 in the health department and nodal officer for procurement and surveillance, chaired a meeting of the state task force to take stock of the day-to-day activities of the health department in combating Covid-19.