APCC questions Jay Shah’s fortune

Staff Reporter
ITANAGAR, Oct 11: Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) on Wednesday questioned the dramatic increase in the fortunes of Jay Shah’s company and slapping of defamation case against The Wire, a news website that exposed the financial dealings.
Shah who is the son of the Bharatiya Janata Party President Amit Shah has slapped Rs 100 crores defamation suit against the website, after publication of the article.
Addressing media persons at Press Club on Wednesday APCC Spokesperson Hina Camder Tok condemned the BJP for defending Amit Shah’s son.
The BJP has defended its party President’s son by terming the story baseless, malicious, derogatory and defamatory and hollow article with absolutely no substance whatsoever.
“Jay Shah doesn’t have a magic wand. Without backing of the Modi government such dramatic increase in the turnover would not have been possible” APCC Spokesperson said.
“BJP President Amit Shah should step down immediately so that free and fair investigation can be carried out” he added.
The Pradesh Congress further asked whether Narendra Modi, in keeping with his image as a leader who promised ” na khaonga, na khaane doonga” ( neither will take bribes nor will i allow it) will order a probe.
Instead of ordering probe into the abnormal financial growth of Amit Shah’s son Jay Shah’s Company, the BJP is threatening media house with a defamation case, which reflects the real image of the BJP, APCC added.
The Pradesh Congress further ridiculed the BJP alleging that no special package has been given to Arunachal Pradesh ever since Pema Khandu led government merged with the BJP.
“All projects undertaken were funded and sanctioned during UPA-I and UPA-II government. BJP gives nothing other than tall promises”, it said.