Daily Archives: October 16, 2017

SIRD organizes cleanness drive under Mission Antyodaya

ITANAGAR, Oct 15: The two days 'Green and Clean' campaign under Mission Antyodaya conducted by State Institute of Rural Development Arunachal Pradesh (SIRDA) concluded...

EAC Vision

Blurred, dampens diwali By Shivaji Sarkar Notwithstanding Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (EAC) making moves to revive the economy, there are other departments that possibly are...

ACF against DIFCA

Dear Editor, I am a Christian by birth but I would like to express my dismay over the demands of Arunachal Christian Forums (ACF) against...

Regarding 10,000 MW Siang Dam Project stage-II

Dear Editor, Acceptance of 10,000 MW Siang Dam Project Stage-II will be a major mistake of the Government of Arunachal Pradesh as we are emotionally...

World Food Day

Dear Editor, 16 October is observed as World Food Day in honor of the date of the founding of Food and Agriculture Organization of the...