Dear Editor,
I would like to appeal the state Govt and authorities of Home strictly follow laid down norms in recruitment process. There should not be any virtual price tag in any Govt job/post including DSP, Inspector and constable. We need quality human resources/manpower especially in police force to deal with criminals in the state. However, real criminals are not facing any jail. Whereas, they are supposed to be inside jail.
As state exchequer is public exchequer particularly of 13 lakhs people of this hill state. As a tax payer, the public has the every right to question the Govt and guide the system whenever there is distrust on role of public servants including ministers and MLAs.
Moreover, the heinous crime rates of state are increasing day by day in a very fast way. So far 161 murder as per the state Govt report last year in newspaper dated 17th Oct, 2017 and may be 200 plus now. Rape, murder and kidnapping are becoming daily routine of criminals. This is serious treats to state security.
By keeping the view of fast growing crime rate, the state the state Govt had made a policy to create 45 post of Head Constables, 32 Nos DSP under APPS Cadre and 80 post of Inspector Civil Police, 4 posts of Inspector (Telecom) and 3 posts of (Radio Technicians) in Arunachal Pradesh Police as one time measure by relaxing the general ban imposed by the Govt on creation of posts in public interest.
As in recent past, we have seen many police forces / Para-military / arms Forces are involving heinous crimes who are supposed to protect innocent citizens of this state and country. If Home Dept. / police is involved in corruption and crime, how can they deal with criminals?
The authorities need to strictly follow the laid down rules while recruiting new police force / DPC for promotion.
1.Physical and mental fitness.
1. Education qualification.
2. Promotional rules with proper system.
3. Recruitment rules 80/20 ratio.
4. Maintain Service qualifying length for promotional to higher rank.
5. No one should face injustice and deprivation at the hand of corrupt people.
6. Top performer officer and constable should be encouraged by reward by promotion to higher rank.
Therefore, I sincerely request concern authorities to strictly follow the laid down rules while recruiting police force. I also appeal to provide basic facilities to all police force.
Payi Gyadi