An open letter to the Chief Minister

Dear Editor
It is very disheartening to say that our Chief Minister and Education Minister have a loud mouth. They just go about preaching and boasting about, that they have created many posts of Teachers, Principals, vice Principals/Headmasters, Assistant Professors and Non-Teaching staffs under education department.
On October 24 2017, state cabinet had approved the creation of 1309 teaching and non teaching posts under the Education Department. Of which 1130 posts were solely for teaching staff and 179 posts for non-teaching staff under higher secondary and secondary schools.
Besides that the CM in November 2017 had also announced the creation of 67 nos. of group-A posts for government colleges/polytechnics under the Director of Higher and Technical Education.
For the past five to six months, we have been hearing about it at every rally and functions. But still now, no advertisements have been made. So, I want to ask the CM, whether he is taking seriously about his announcements or is it just a mere piece of appeasement to the general unemployed degree holders or just fooling the general public that they are doing something for the unemployed youths.
I request the CM and Education Minister to kindly speed up the process and advertise the posts of Assistant Professors, Teachers and Non-Teaching staffs under education department before the announcement of Panchayat Elections.
T. Byai