HOLLONGI, Jul 3: Law & Justice Minister Nabam Rebia has directed the water resources department (WRD) to prepare a plan to protect Hollongi Patila village in Papum Pare district from flashfloods.
Accompanied by Papum Pare Deputy Commissioner Dr Joram Beda, 12th Bn NDRF Deputy Commandant Pranab Daimary, ADC Nabam Tajik and others, Rebia on Tuesday visited the village, where at least 17 houses were inundated by flashflood caused by heavy rains on 2 July.
The minister interacted with the residents and assured to find a solution to the problem. He directed the WRD executive engineer to prepare a plan to protect the area from flashfloods.
On receiving reports of outbreak of skin disease from the locals, the DC directed the DMO to deploy a team of specialist medical officers to monitor the situation and provide healthcare facility to the affected people. (DIPRO)