Massive erosion in right bank of Siku River

PASIGHAT, Jul 4: Massive erosion is taking place in the right bank of Siku River in between Ayeng village and Mebo town in East Siang district.
The double high tension electric poles may soon be eroded by the turbulent river, affecting power supply in Mebo sub-division.
The river is on the spat due to heavy and torrential rainfall at its upper reaches.
The river has already swallowed many acres of fertile croplands of Ayeng village during the last decade.
The turbulent river, a major tributary of the Siang River, creates havoc every year, but it is alleged that the department concerned has not yet taken any effective measures to prevent erosion.
The Border Road Organization had taken measures to prevent erosion by erecting boulder spars to divert the water flow, but all their efforts went in vain.