The election results are out and the BJP has won by a massive mandate both at the Centre and in Arunachal Pradesh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Pema Khandu have emerged as the top leaders of India and Arunachal Pradesh, respectively. They deserve every bit of appreciation for ensuring a landslide victory for the BJP. The saffron party is also winning both the Lok Sabha seats from the state. This is an unprecedented victory for the BJP. The people of the country have put their faith on PM Modi and the BJP. The country is going through a difficult time.
Now the onus lies on the BJP to fulfill the aspirations of the people. They have to respect the mandate of the people and work hard to fulfill their hopes and aspirations. As for the opposition parties, especially the Congress, this result is a rude shock. They thought that anti-incumbency would get them back to power. Instead of fighting the elections with as better agenda, the opposition concentrated their entire campaign on Modi. This was a huge mistake as Modi made good use of it to get sympathy by portraying himself as an outsider, though he has been the PM for the last five years. The Congress party in particularly will have to deeply introspect. Even in Arunachal Pradesh, they have performed very badly. Here also, the state’s leadership will have to take the responsibility for the poor results. Today is a glory day for the BJP, particularly for PM Modi. Let him bask in glory for now.