Install proper dustbins in Seppa town

Dear Editor,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to draw kind attention of UD & Housing department towards the shortage of proper dustbins in Seppa town.
Due to shortage of proper dustbins in many colonies and roads in Seppa town, people throw their household wastage in open area and within an hour it gets converted into dumping area creating unpleasant atmosphere around the lines and colonies.
Sometimes waste materials come out in the surface of road which makes it difficult for citizen to walk.
I request the concerned authority to kindly construct proper dustbin and also renovate outdated dustbin so that people can dispose of their household wastage at proper place.
Such steps will make work easier for the department as they can collect wastages easily from the dustbins. I also appeal citizens of all the lines and colonies not to throw wastages in open area and keep lines and colonies clean.
Dokum Taku (Sangno)
The East Kameng
Eco – Adventurers