Arunachal, in particular the Itanagar capital region (ICR), is seeing a sudden spike in the number of Covid-19 positive cases in the last few days. Also, on Monday the state witnessed the third death related to Covid-19. He was a 32-year-old businessman. His other family members along with the salesmen at his shop are also reported to have tested positive for Covid-19. The sudden spike was expected. However, considering the fact that testing is being ramped up, the rapid rise in cases is a matter of serious concern. Though the government may not be admitting it, but in all probability the capital region is witnessing community transmission.
The situation is getting very serious and there is an urgent need for a rethink of strategy. The state government needs to reassess and look where things are going wrong. Definitely something is wrong with the way the whole situation is being dealt with. It is time the government allowed the experts, especially doctors, to take charge of the situation. They are in a much better position to give expert advice. Further, the state should develop its own SOP, taking into consideration the local situation. It is not really necessary to follow the guidelines issued by the government of India. The people of the state should not panic and instead continue to follow social distancing norms.