ITANAGAR, Jul 22: Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) on Wednesday demanded that state government give an “account of Rs 50,000 crore which was spent for road connectivity during last five years in the state as claimed by Union Home Minister Amit Shah during his visit to Arunachal Pradesh.”
Expressing concern over the “devastating road condition across the state followed by landslide,” the APCC urged the state government to come clean on rapid road scheme “under which 711 km road, 1560 km trans-Arunachal roads and 2,000 km Arunachal frontier highway are to be constructed in the state.”
Lambasting the state governments for its “hollow claim” in development of road connectivity and infrastructure, the APCC claimed that “the 10.9 km road project of Rs 196 crore between Chandranagar to Papu Nallah is yet to be constructed completely.”
Raising question over completion of the 2000 km Arunachal frontier highways, the APCC further said that the inhabitants of Khimiyang, Manmao and Vijoynagar areas are still walking through jungles to reach nearby city during unfavourable monsoon and pandemic situation.
The APCC further said the flood, landslide and road blockages for months together lead to loss of human lives, property, livestock and economic crisis.
“The denizens are taking several detours and self-support to get out of the catastrophe in absence of road connectivity, but the state government has still preferred to be a mute spectator,” the APCC said.