Relocate Renging villagers

The recent report of ground cracks and landslides appearing in and around Renging village of East Siang district is a grave threat to the entire village. The Geological Survey of India’s (GSI) Arunachal Pradesh unit, at the request of the state’s disaster management director, conducted assessment and has suggested relocation of the houses and buildings located in close vicinity of the affected area. Reportedly, the villagers are living in fear. There is a concern that a major landslide might occur due to cracks, causing displacement of the entire village itself. The experts have given warning signs and now it is for the villagers and the state government to act before it is too late.

Relocation is never an easy task, but saving human lives is more important. The state government will have to come out with a plan to relocate the people of Renging village, based on the advice of the GSI. The relocation process should be done by taking the opinion of the affected people. Nature cannot be challenged and therefore the affected villagers will have to relocate, even though it will be painful. The disaster management department has done the right thing by immediately engaging the GSI to carry out assessment after the warning signal emerged. This kind of response is appreciable. Similar kinds of assessment should be carried out all over the state to find out the areas which face maximum threat from landslides and flooding. It will help to save lives.