The All Nyishi Youth Association (ANYA) has deferred its proposed 48-hour capital bandh, giving much relief to the people of the Itanagar Capital Region. The ANYA had threatened to enforce a 48-hour bandh after several of its activists were arrested after the end of the 36-hour bandh sponsored by the ANYA. With the government releasing the majority of activists, the association has deferred its proposed bandh. But the threat of more bandhs continues to loom large. In the coming days, whether the ANYA will further go for bandh depends on how the government deals with this whole crisis.
But there is no doubt that the people of the ICR are happy with the decision of the ANYA to defer the bandh for now. The recent 36-hour bandh had crippled life in the capital. The poor people suffer a lot during bandh days. The daily wage earners and the people undergoing medical treatment are the worst sufferers. The pressure groups of the state should rethink using bandhs as a tool to have their demands met. It ultimately does not help anyone. Everyone, including the groups who go for bandhs, suffers. The state government should start a dialogue with the ANYA and resolve the issue. The association has raised certain issues which need to be addressed by the government. The attempt to intimidate by arresting activists is wrong. On its part, the ANYA as well as other pressure groups should avoid using bandhs as a tool to fight against the government. There are better methods to challenge the government and its wrongdoings.