Mishra advises police to be fair and prompt in their approach to policing

ITANAGAR, 3 Aug: Governor BD Mishra advised the district police chiefs and commandants to be fair, prompt and determined in their approach to policing.

He exhorted them to win the trust of the people by transparency, probity and accountability in their conduct.

“Police must create deterrence for the wrongdoers and criminals and create credible perception to them of getting caught up quickly, hauled up and of sure punishment for their crime,” the Governor said addressing the annual conference of the superintendents of police (SsP) and commandants at Dorjee Khandu Convention Centre here on Wednesday.

Stressing on proper training for the constable, he opined that science can never replace the constable on ground.

The Governor also highlighted on police organization in India through ages, law and order situation, policing pattern and the insurgency challenges in the state and way forward.

Mishra stressed on proper, transparent and merit-based recruitment of constables.

“Provision of latest equipment and communication means and enhancing the capability for gathering actionable intelligence are must for good policing,” he said.

A former commander of the Counter Hijack Force of the National Security Guard, the governor suggested remedial measures to counter-insurgency in the state, including good developmental programmes, work opportunities, like ‘start up’ and effective military operation.

He stressed that all efforts must be made to get the Arunachali youth out of the insurgent groups.

Home minister Bamang Felix, advisor to home minister Nyamar Karbak, DGP Satish Golcha, IGP (Law & Order) Chukhu Apa also spoke on the occasion.

Senior officers of the state police department are also attending the 4-day conference of IG, SsP and COs, which began on 1 August. (PRO to Raj Bhavan)