NAMSAI, 21 Nov: Thirty women of Namsai are participating in a 15-day micro-enterprise development programme (MEDP) on candle-making for SHGs, which began here on Monday.
Sponsored by the NABARD’s regional office in Itanagar, the programme is being conducted by NGO Bethel Life Care Charitable Trust (BLCCT), in collaboration with the ArSRLM.
During the launch function, NABARD DDM Kamal Roy highlighted the developmental initiatives of the NABARD for the uplift of rural masses in farm and off-farm sectors.
“The NABARD is supporting need-based skill development programmes for SHGs of rural areas. MEDPs are on-location skill development training programmes which attempt to bridge the skill deficits or facilitate optimisation of production activities already pursued by the SHG members,” he said.
Industries Assistant Director (i/c) Dusu Tatu emphasised on “the scope and importance of skill training that would enhance the socioeconomic status of rural masses, especially women entrepreneurs.”
Kudumbashree NRO field coordinator Piyush Priyadarshi highlighted the start-up village entrepreneurship programme (SVEP), which is a sub-component of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihoods Mission.
“The SVEP aims to support entrepreneurs in rural areas to set up local enterprises,” he said.
ArSRLM cluster coordinator (institution development) Teniang Lokho and BLCCT president Chandan Prasad also spoke.