Dist-level tourneys for HDMT ends

BOMDILA, 20 Apr: The West Kameng district-level boys’ and girls’ football and volleyball tournaments for the 6th edition of the Hangpan Dada Memorial Trophy (HDMT) concluded here on Wednesday.

The prizes were distributed to the winning and the runner-up teams by EAC Arbind Pangging.

The best players in the events were also felicitated.

Winners and runner-up teams (respectively):

  1. Volleyball (girls): Nafra and Thrizino.
  2. Volleyball (boys): Nafra and Thrizino.
  3. Football (girls): Thirizino and Dirang.
  4. Football (boys): Nafra and Dirang.
  5. Best volleyball player (girls): Boby Zongluju (Nafra).
  6. Best volleyball player (boys): Sange Dakpa (Nafra).
  7. Best football player (girls): Milon Aglasow (Thrizino).
  8. Best football player (boys): David Zongluju (Nafra). (DIPRO)