Manipur guv urges women to not block roads during security ops

IMPHAL, 2 Jul: Manipur Governor Anusuiya Uikey has urged women of the state to restrain from blocking security forces on the roads.
Appealing for peace, Uikey said on Saturday that she was deeply shocked and disheartened about the ethnic clash, which is still continuing.
The governor’s statement came after the forces reported several incidents of road blockades in the strife-torn state during security operations.
“I, from the bottom of my heart, further appeal to you all, especially mothers and sisters, to restrain from blocking security forces on the roads as they are discharging their responsibilities for the safety of the people of the state,” she said.
“Most importantly, everybody should not believe in spreading baseless rumours and should always try to desist it. All the issues can be and should be solved through a peaceful dialogue to restore the past peaceful atmosphere of the state,” she added. (PTI)