APWWS tells Capital DC to behave

ITANAGAR, 25 Oct: The Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS) has expressed disappointment at the comments made by the Itanagar Capital Region Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom.

In a statement, its president Kani Nada Maling said that APWWS “is extremely disappointed by the recent statements made by the Itanagar Deputy Commissioner Talo Potom, on a number of public occasions. The statements are problematic and reek of sexism, which does not befit a public servant holding a responsible position. As an IAS officer, the DC should be aware that irresponsible and inappropriate comments that smack of sexism cannot be hidden under the guise of a joke. We would like to request the officer to reflect on his speeches and mend his ways before it becomes too late.”