AAPSU seeks salary disbursement of guest teachers under MMSKS

ITANAGAR, 5 Dec: A team of the All Arunachal Pradesh Students’ Union (AAPSU) on Tuesday submitted a representation to the secondary education director, seeking immediate release of the salaries of the guest teachers under the Mukhya Mantri Siksha Kosh Scheme (MMSKS) 2023-’24.

“The guest teachers play a crucial role in supplementing the educational initiatives within our institutions. Their dedication and efforts significantly contribute to maintaining the quality of education provided to our students. However, the delay in salary disbursement has caused uncertainty and financial strain among these valuable educators,” the AAPSU said.

“Prompt release of their salaries would not only alleviate their financial concerns but also ensure the continuity of their support towards the educational goals set forth by the MMSKS,” it said, adding that “timely compensation for their services will undoubtedly motivate and retain these educators, ultimately benefitting the academic progress of our students.”