Awareness prog on gender-based violence

AALO, 7 Dec: The West Siang women & child development department conducted a programme themed ‘Elimination of gender-based violence and raising awareness about the rights and entitlements of women and girls’, as part of the ‘Nayi Chetna 2.0’ initiative, here on Thursday.

During the programme, which was attended by, among others, around 60 anganwadi workers, gram sevikas and representatives of NGOs, West Siang OCS Centre Administrator Liyum Padu delivered a lecture on the Domestic Violence Act, 2005; the Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013; the domestic incident report (one-stop centre); the emergency response system (112); women helpline, and “establishing linkage between gender resource centres.”

DCPU Protection Officer Dege Kamki imparted awareness on the Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, victim compensation, the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, and Childline 1098.

MSK district coordinator Dagbom Riba spoke on “Hub for empowerment, shakti shadan, and sakhi niwas,” while district APWWS president Marbom Riba Bagra dwelt on women’s rights at workplace. (DIPRO)