English tabloid ‘Ap Direct Weekly’ launched

Ziro, 7 Dec: A weekly English tabloid titled Ap Direct Weekly was launched during the 6th foundation day celebration of the Diibo Gaon Bura-Buri Association at Dobi Kutu here in Lower Subansiri district on Wednesday.

The tabloid was launched by local MLA and Agriculture Minister Tage Taki, in the presence of Deputy Commissioner Bamin Nime, Diibo ZPMs Bamin Gumbo and Koj Yana, and the residents of Diibo village.

Taki applauded “the yeomen contribution of young and enterprising newspaper editor-turned-GB Yachang Tacho, who had earlier published a weekly newspaper titled The Subansiri, and is now devoted to the cause of the GBs of the district.”

“The work of Yachang Tacho in devising a short-term English education course for the illiterate gaon buras and buris, which even attracted national media attention, is indeed worth appreciating, and I urge other like-minded citizens of Ziro plateau to come forward and devise similar innovative and practical initiatives for the betterment of Ziro plateau and its people,” said Taki.

Informing that the district administration provided essential reading and writing materials to the gaon bura-buri school the previous year, the DC in his address said that he was “moved by the enthusiasm and positive spirit of the elderly red-coated village custodians who wanted to read and write, defying their age barriers.”

“Similarly, I am also willing to be an annual subscriber of the weekly tabloid launched today, or any other positive activity happening for the betterment of Ziro plateau and its people,” the DC said.

The AP Direct Weekly is printed and published by AP Direct India, in collaboration with its Subansiri unit.

Owned by Tage Laling, with Dani Taling as its chief editor and Tage Tajung as its executive editor, the tabloid will initially print 100 copies per week and increase its production based on market demand. (DIPRO)