Chief Minister Pema Khandu while addressing an election rally in Yazali in Keyi Panyor district on Thursday raised the issue of ‘money culture’. The CM urged the people of Keyi Panyor in particular to help in curbing the money culture, saying that it started from the Yachuli assembly constituency and the people of Yachuli should end it. This comes even as the Congress party has accused the ruling BJP of buying opposition candidates, in particular that of the Congress. Both the ruling BJP and the opposition parties are trading charges at each other for indulging in money culture.
The truth is, both are at fault. In certain constituencies, the BJP candidates are gaining an advantage due to cash flow from the ruling party. The opposition candidates have no chance to fight due to lack of resources. On the other hand, there are constituencies where opposition candidates are super rich and BJP candidates do not have money. In these constituencies, it is the opposition candidates who are throwing money. Therefore, the ruling, as well as the opposition parties, is equally responsible for encouraging money culture in the state. The voters should understand that money culture will destroy the future of their areas. They may enjoy it for the short term, but in the long run, will suffer. It is time people did not get lured by money and voted for leaders who they believe will develop their constituencies.