The portfolios have been handed over to the Narendra Modi’s cabinet members. Kiren Rijiju has been moved from the earth sciences ministry to the parliamentary affairs ministry. He has also been given the minority affairs ministry. The top four ministers – Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh, Nirmala Sitharaman and S Jaishankar – have retained their respective home, defence, finance and external affairs portfolios. Nitin Gadkari will continue as road transport minister, while Dharmendra Pradhan will retain his education portfolio. The BJP has kept most of the important portfolios with them.
The NDA alliance have been given not-so-important ministries, which shows that the BJP is not ready to give away power, despite having to depend on allies for majority. Rijiju being given the parliamentary affairs ministry shows that he is now one of the trusted ministers of the Modi cabinet. The parliamentary affairs is a very important ministry. Rijiju will have an important task of running both the Houses of Parliament. This involves hectic parleys with the opposition leaders. Hopefully, he can play an important role in the development of the state by continuing to being the important voice of Arunachal at the Centre.