Limiting terms for a healthy democracy


Serving as an MLA for three terms in one constituency is ample to serve the people, and it is crucial for our democracy to provide opportunities to other capable leaders.

The foundation of a healthy democracy rests on the principles of change and renewal. When leaders serve for an extended period, it can lead to stagnation and a lack of fresh ideas. New leaders bring new perspectives, innovative solutions, and a different approach to governance, which can be beneficial for the progress of our society. By stepping aside after three terms, the current leaders can ensure that the democratic process remains dynamic and robust.

Additionally, long-term incumbency can sometimes lead to complacency and a sense of entitlement among leaders. It is vital for the health of our democracy that leaders remain accountable and in touch with the needs and aspirations of the people they serve.

When leaders stay in power for too long, there is a risk of disconnect between them and their constituents. Allowing new leaders to emerge helps to keep the political landscape competitive and ensures that elected officials remain responsive to the electorate’s changing needs.

Furthermore, the concept of leadership itself should embody the values of service and humility. Leaders who voluntarily step down after a reasonable period demonstrate a commitment to these values, setting a positive example for future generations. It shows that leadership is not about clinging to power but about serving the people and making way for others to contribute.

I understand that being elected by the people multiple times is a testament to a leader’s capabilities and popularity. However, true leadership also involves recognising when it is time to pass the baton.

A vibrant democracy thrives on rotation of power and inclusion of diverse voices in governance. By limiting terms, we can prevent the concentration of power in the hands of a few and promote a more equitable and just political system.

In conclusion, I believe that serving three terms is sufficient for any leader to make a meaningful impact. Beyond that, it is beneficial for the health of our democracy to allow new leaders to emerge. This approach ensures a continuous flow of fresh ideas, maintains accountability, and upholds the core values of democratic governance.

Rev Rabi Chakma,


Baptist Church,
