Nature walk held to mark WNC Day

ITANAGAR, 29 Jul: Conservation group Nature Friendship and the Rupa Birding Club (RBC), in collaboration with Kolkata (WB)-based Nature Mates-Nature Club, celebrated the World Nature Conservation (WNC) Day on Sunday by organizing a nature walk in Aktam Thongre village here in West Kameng district with students and local people.

Local nature conservationist T.Thongdok informed that “this area is a biodiversity-rich zone, but widespread agriculture is rapidly destroying the pristine forests. Today’s event is aimed to sensitise the local people to the importance of preservation of the natural habitat and our biodiversity heritage.”

Nature Mates-Nature Club member Sarika Baidya and her team showed the diversity of local butterflies and their host plants to the participants.

“The community plays the most important role in conservation initiatives. We are looking to promote awareness about butterflies in the community and connect people with conservation,” she said.

The participants spent the day observing the butterflies and birds of the area. They recorded more than 50 species of birds and butterflies.

Thongre Village Head T.N Thongdok said, “We did not have any idea of our butterfly diversity or the plants these insects use for their lifecycle. We often kill caterpillars with insecticides in our farms. In today’s event, we learnt the plants butterflies use and saw the caterpillars and butterflies. We learnt the importance of insects like butterflies in the ecosystem.”

State Board for Wildlife member and president of Nature Friendship, Rinchin Thongdok said, “Sarika’s team is working well in the field of wildlife conservation, with special focus on the Bhutan glory. Today being the World Nature Conservation Day and the last day of the Moth Week, this awareness programme was very important because students and villagers were involved in it.

“We, along with Nature Mates from Kolkata tried to create awareness on the importance of every small living creature in the world,” Thongdok said.

The event marked the first-ever initiative for insect conservation in the community.

RBC member Bonalama emphasized that “involvement of kids and young students in such events are paramount to develop strong connection with nature. Many such events will be organised in the future to connect more people with conservation.”