Unauthorised speedbreakers, stray cattle


The highway in Namsai district is plagued by a proliferation of unauthorised speedbreakers, recklessly constructed by private restaurants and nearby residents. These large, unmarked speedbreakers have become a serious threat to road safety, damaging vehicles, disrupting traffic, and endangering the lives of drivers and passengers.

First-time visitors and tourists unfamiliar with these sudden, unmarked obstacles are at even greater risk, as they often encounter these speedbreakers unexpectedly, leading to dangerous situations and accidents. The lack of proper signage or markings exacerbates this hazard, further jeopardising public safety.

Adding to this growing menace, the stretch of the highway in Mahadevpur-1 has become a hotspot for accidents due to freely-roaming cattle. These stray animals wander onto the road without any control, causing frequent accidents and creating a nuisance for road users. This negligence not only puts human lives at risk but also endangers the animals themselves.

I urge the Namsai deputy commissioner to take immediate action to address these issues. The unauthorised speedbreakers should be removed without delay, and strict measures must be enforced to prevent cattle from roaming freely on the highway.

The DC’s action in this regard will be highly appreciated by the public and all those who depend on this highway for travel and commerce.

Road user