The Power Within (POEM)

— Kalyan Kumar Dutta
VKV Kharsang.

Desire, a spark ignites the soul
But on its own it takes no toll.
It dreams of lands both far and wide
Yet moves not forth just stays inside.

A decision comes a cautious step
It breaks the chains, the mind is prepped.
A single choice, a path is laid
But still, the heart might feel afraid.

Determination fierce and strong
Drives you forward all day long.
It burns within, a steady flame
Through storms and trials it stays the same.

Desire may wish but will is weak
Decision speaks, but actions leak.
Yet when resolve stands firm and tall
It lifts you up and breaks the wall.

For dreams alone can’t lead the way
And choices falter in the fray.
But with grit, you rise and soar
Achieving heights, forevermore.

So harness strength, and know this truth
Determination’s eternal youth.
It changes all, it lights the night
And guides you firmly towards the light.