Clarification needed on status and validity of Indian coins

Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I wish to draw attention to a growing concern in Arunachal Pradesh that is causing significant hardship to the common people – the refusal by shopkeepers to accept Indian coins, particularly in the denominations of Rs 5, Rs 10, and Rs 20.
Coins play a crucial role in the economy of any country. As legal tender, they facilitate small transactions, which form the backbone of daily commerce, especially for those who rely on exact change for routine purchases. Denying the acceptance of coins disrupts the smooth functioning of markets, affects the purchasing power of individuals, and creates inconvenience in basic day-to-day transactions.
It has come to light that many shopkeepers in our state have been misinformed, believing that these coins are counterfeit or no longer in circulation. However, as per the Reserve Bank of India, these coins remain valid legal tender and should be freely accepted. This misinformation has led to confusion and unnecessary financial strain on the common people who depend on these coins for their everyday needs.
As the chairman of Wake Up Arunachal Volunteers (WAVe), I appeal to the regional manager of the State Bank of India, North East Zone, to issue an official clarification on the status and validity of Indian coins. An authoritative statement from their office will help dispel these rumours and ensure that coins continue to circulate as intended, thereby restoring normalcy in commercial transactions across Arunachal.
Coins, though often overlooked, are a vital part of our monetary system, and it is essential that their circulation be upheld for the benefit of all.
We trust that the State Bank of India will address this matter urgently to ease the difficulties faced by our citizens.
Bage Kamsi,
Chairman, WAVe,
H Sector, Itanagar