State journo Appu Gapak in US to participate in International Visitor Leadership Program

WASHINGTON DC, 30 Sep: Arunachal Pradesh Union of Working Journalists (APUWJ), Gender Council Convenor and Sub-Editor Echo of Arunachal Appu Gapak landed in Washington DC, United States on September 28 to participate in a two-week International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) titled “Democracy as Strength: Showcasing U.S. Elections, Political Process and Public Participation” from September 30 to October 8, 2024.

Appu is among the five-member representatives of Indian delegates to attend the single country project to discuss U.S. Elections, Political Process and Public Participation.

The representatives will be visiting various states and cities including Washington, D.C, Philadelphia, PA, and Phoenix, Arizona.

The IVLP project aims for the selected individuals to gain a deeper understanding of fundamental civics concepts like the separation of powers, checks and balances as a safeguard against corruption, and division of power between different levels of government in the U.S. federal system.

During the two- week programme, Appu and her team will meet with politicians and community organizers from both major U.S. parties to understand the ways political actors navigate this system to deliver results for their constituents.

They will explore the media’s impact on political processes. Appu is a senior journalist and has been working in the field for the last fifteen years.

The IVLP is a professional exchange programme funded by the US department of state’s Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs. The mission of the IVLP is to offer current and emerging international leaders the opportunity to experience the richness and diversity of American political, economic, social and cultural life through carefully designed exchanges that reflect participants’ professional interests and the public diplomacy objectives of the United States government.

The IVLP was established in 1940, and it brings up to 5,000 professional emerging leaders from around the world to the United States each year for a programme of up to three weeks.