A recent issue has brought to light the complexities of housing and allowances for government officers posted in Arunachal Pradesh. An APCS officer, currently serving as the extra assistant commissioner in Kurung Kumey district, raised an alarm by writing to the chief vigilance officer about the deputy commissioner (DC) of Kurung Kumey. The officer alleged that, despite residing in the DC bungalow, the DC is drawing house rent allowance (HRA).
This matter has surfaced at a time when the central government, in an order issued on 23 September, 2022, withdrew certain incentives for officers of the AGMUT (Arunachal, Goa, Mizoram, and Union Territories) cadre. Specifically, the order removed a 25% hike in basic pay and the provision allowing officers to retain accommodation from their last posting before being transferred to the northeastern states. While some states have introduced alternative incentives in place of the central provisions, Arunachal appears to have no such policy – at least not one that is documented in the public domain.
The DC in question, who has been posted in Kurung Kumey since March 2024, initially did not draw HRA but later opted to utilise a provision that permits officers to claim HRA at their previous posting location (Delhi) when stationed in the northeastern states. This provision, based on a 2018 office memorandum from the ministry of finance, raises the question: how does this align with the 2022 withdrawal of special provisions for the AGMUT cadre?
At first glance, this may seem like a trivial professional disagreement that has found its way into the public domain. However, it presents an opportunity for the state government to reassess its housing policy for government employees. A transparent and comprehensive housing policy could not only ensure fair compensation for officers serving in remote areas but also prevent misunderstandings and potential misuse of allowances.
The state government should study the matter properly and implement a housing policy that balances the needs of its employees and the financial health of the state.