Through this esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the APPSC towards the long wait by students of tourism in the state.
Our state has huge potential in tourism, and the tourism department can become a huge employment generator. Currently, the department is understaffed, and in most of the districts the district tourism officer (DTO) is given the additional charge of other positions. However, the posts of DTO and tourism information officer (TIO) are technical, and must be held by tourism degree/diploma holders.
Everyone in our state, be it the government, the tourism department, or politicians, speak of promoting tourism, but nobody cares for filling up the vacant posts of DTO and TIO in the districts.
The APPSC has not advertised a single post of TIO since 2022, in spite of the existing vacancies. Therefore, we unemployed youths with degree/diploma in tourism appeal to the APPSC to have mercy on us and conduct the written exam for the post of TIO without further delay.
Tagi Arun,
Pachin Colony,