TIO post missing from APPSC exam calendar


The APPSC had advertised a single post of tourist information officer (TIO) vide Order No PSC-R(B)/04/2022, Advertisement No 09/2002/B, dated 16 June, 2022.

For more than two years, we aspirants were hoping that the written exam for the post would be held. But we have become very disappointed and frustrated as the TIO post has not been included in this year’s exam calendar.

Through this esteemed daily, we would like to know from the APPSC why the commission is not conducting the written exam for the aforesaid post. If the APPSC has taken the decision not to hold its written exam, it should tell us clearly, so that we may give up waiting for it. Two years is a long duration.

Vacancies which the APPSC had not advertised have been included in the exam calendar but the single post of TIO is hanging like a pendulum since 2022. It seems that for the APPSC, recruitment of personnel for the tourism department is not important.

Whether it is a single post or one hundred posts, the APPSC should treat all equally and conduct exams for all advertised posts on time without any bias.

Therefore, it is my humble request to the APPSC secretary to conduct the written exam for the post of TIO without further delay.

Boju Taga,

D Sector, Naharlagun