APFRA needs amicable solution


In our state right now, the Arunachal Pradesh Freedom of Religion Act (APFRA), 1978 is the most talked-about and discussed topic. Some claim that the APFRA is a draconian measure that infringes upon our constitutionally guaranteed rights, while others argue that it is a tool to defend indigenous beliefs.

Throughout history, religion has been a delicate topic in every country on the planet. In our case most people in our state, particularly the Tani tribes, are confused about religion and are negatively impacted by the so-called conversion (Dharam Parivartan).

To corroborate, many sects exist within a single religion in our state, as can be seen if we pay close attention. For example, among indigenous believers, there are two sects: one that is genuinely aligned with nature worship (animism), and others that are unknowingly or intentionally followers of the sect that is entirely controlled by Hindutva ideology and practices (Bhoomi pujan, visiting pujaris/babas by undermining the spiritual powers of Nyibo/Shaman/indigenous priest, etc.).

Like this, Christianity has many sects. For example, there are liberal Christians who do not distinguish between people based on their religion; some are genuinely committed to the cause of Christ; and some sections are hypocrites (with no malice intended) who have no problem with celebrating festivals like Holi, Diwali, Durga Puja, etc. but view one’s own native festival as pagan.

It is worth noting that, although Christianity was crucial in the early stages of our people’s civilisation in our state, things have since undergone significant change. Christians used to consider adultery and polygamy to be grave sins against their faith, but because of the capitalist mentality, religious leaders and church elders are petrified to speak out against the issue when it is committed by the wealthy or social elite.

Indigenous faith adherents have also lost their uniqueness in opposing Christianity. In the process, many of the customs of our indigenous faith turn out to be out of step with the customs of our ancestors. One shouldn’t be shocked if we ceased to sacrificing cattle in our rituals if we move at this rate.

Before we start fighting and arguing with each other, we need to consider whether we are dealing with our land fairly. We must also consider the legacy we want to leave for the generations to come.

Finally, since we only have 10-12 lakh tribal people-roughly the same number as one MLA constituency in several Indian states-it is imperative that we safeguard and maintain our rich culture. Our tribesmen must decide how to accomplish this amicably and without conflict.

Yiri Kamcham
