Rebutting western media

Indian Parliamentary Elections By Prof. (Dr.) D.K. Giri (Secretary General, Assn for Democratic Socialism) Indian elections are seldom influenced by international issues or reactions. But this time...

One test not for India

Shady Coaches, Huge Costs By Shivaji Sarkar The country needs to go back to the drawing board on centralising entrance tests as the big ones –...

Election Omission

Delay opens govt largesse By Poonam I Kaushish Rajnetik virodhi ya jaani dushman? Tragically, the lines between a political opponent and a sworn enemy have got...

Rohingya Influx

Border states ‘be vigilant’ By Insaf The Centre’s anxiety over the influx of Rohingyas is growing. Its focus on five eastern States has become sharper, and...

Balatkar akhir kab tak?

Society At War By Poonam I Kaushish A 15-year-old girl leaves home for her tuition classes on 9 January in Haryana. Four days later her body...

Availibility, ngo role vital

Water Dynamics By Dhurjati Mukherjee The recent Supreme Court verdict granting Karnataka a larger share of the Cauvery water and reduced allocation for Tamil Nadu was...

Two states renew hope, peace

AFSPA Withdrawn By Insaf Holding peace is rewarding. The Centre has rightly acknowledged it in two north eastern States. Early this week, Union Home Ministry revoked...

To cut inequity, help growth

First Rate Hike By Shivaji Sarkar The rate hike was a long-awaited decision. It was needed to check the rising prices, pep up the fledgling rupee,...

Dramatic outcome!

Pakistan Elections By Dr D.K. Giri (Prof. International Politics, JMI) Pakistan politics, volatile and dramatic as it continues to surprise the world. Results of the 2018 General...

Govt anxiety rising?

Stifling Dissent By Dhurjati Mukherjee The recent cases against rights activists and their 'house arrest' additionally point to the fact that the Government is bent on...

Time, comfort for all vital

Modernising Railway By Dhurjati Mukherjee In one of its recent decisions, the Railways will soon bring an engineless high speed train (Train-18) from Howrah to New...

Bank mergers, cess no solution

Boosting Economic Confidence By Shivaji Sarkar The Indian economy is poised to grow to over 7 per cent in 2019 - a momentum it has established...

Indian version of alliances

Politics of Sharing By Dr. S.Saraswathi (Former Director, ICSSR, New Delhi) Veteran leader Mulayam Singh of the Samajwadi Party, one of the biggest challengers to a second...

Sinister shawdow in S. India

Lanka's Jehadi Killings By Dr. D.K. Giri (Prof. International Politics, JMI) The house searches and arrests of three suspects in North of Kerala by the National Investigating...

Bandh karo ye natak!

Growing Chauvinism By Poonam I Kaushish Your freedom ends where my nose begins and one man’s food is another man’s poison. Two adages, a succinct testimony...

Less impact than China-us stir

Pak Suspends Trade By Shivaji Sarkar Suspension of trade by Pakistan in the wake of J&K being stripped of its special status by scrapping Article 370...

Planned desert in offing

Jewar Airport By Shivaji Sarkar It couldn’t be more ironical. As India played host to the 14th meeting of the Conference of Parties of the UN...

New vision in offng?

Draft Natl Ed Policy By Dhurjati Mukherjee There is much debate over the recently released new draft National Education Policy, which has come out with some...

New year challenging

Economic Trends By Dhurjati Mukherjee The vast majority of Indians basic livelihood issues of roti, kapada and makan would score any day over trumped up...

Expanding tax net imperative

Revenue Generation By Dhurjati Mukherjee Lack of adequate resources is a major impediment for a country like India which has to meet huge challenges of...