Stakeholders asked to reach out to children in need of care

ITANAGAR, Jun 16: National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) member Rosy Taba took stock of the work being done by the stakeholders under the women & child development (WCD) department’s Child Protection Services Scheme (CPSS) via an online meeting hosted by the department on 16 June.
She advised the State Child Protection Society (SCPS), the district child protection units (DCPU), the juvenile justice boards (JJB), the child welfare committees (CWC), childcare institutions, and Childline to be proactive during the pandemic and to “reach out to all children in need of care and protection by all means.”
All the stakeholders presented reports on the activities carried out by them during the pandemic.
“As per the reports, the CCIs are being inspected by the DCPUs and the CWCs on a regular basis, while children are being counselled through counsellors,” the WCD department said in a release.
Awareness on the dos and don’ts of Covid-19 was generated and facemasks, sanitizers/hand-wash, etc, have been made available to the CCIs, it said.
“Outreach programmes have been conducted by the Childline teams. Contact details of DCPUs have also been shared with the local police stations for quick response in case of any emergency,” the release said.
The meeting was attended by WCD Director TP Loyi and CPSS nodal officer Kago Asha Lod, along with the team of the SCPS, all the DCPU officers, members of JJBs, CWCs, CCIs and Childline, Itanagar, Roing and Namsai.