Ex-min Medi Ram Dodum tests Covid-19+ve

ITANAGAR, Oct 13: Former cabinet minister Medi Ram Dodum has tested positive for Covid-19 and is currently being administered medical treatment at the dedicated Covid hospital (DCH) in Chimpu.

He tested positive after taking an RT-PCR test on Monday evening, and was admitted the same day.

The 65-year-old has other underlying medical conditions for which he had initially sought treatment. Following the advice of Dr Tojum Pakam, he underwent an RT-PCR test, which returned a positive result.

Dodum has appealed to people who have come in contact with him recently to self-isolate and get tested for Covid-19.

Speaking from the ward at the DCH, the former horticulture minister said that senior citizens like him with comorbidity need special care since they fall under the at-risk demographic.

“We require more medical attention since we are more vulnerable to the disease,” he said.