ITANAGAR, Oct 29: Considering the past anomalies in the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Combined Competitive Examination (APPSCCE), the Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) has requested Governor BD Mishra to take measures “to maintain transparency and avoid unnecessary litigation or post controversies.”
The HRLN suggested that the governor, “who has the power to amend and interpret as per the new APPSCCE Rules, 2019, under Sections 19, 20 and 21,” adopt measures such as disclosure of answer keys and cut-off marks; invitation of notice for objection with the stipulated time; uploading all the original marks of the candidates on the website (both Paper 1 and Paper 2, separately) on merit basis on the website; and publishing the results in merit order, while also displaying the marks obtained by the candidates.
“The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission needs to be revamped in its guidelines and SOPs, as I have personally been a part of the litigation and have come across issues relating to transparency. It does not have provision for disclosure of answer keys, notice for objection, etc. Transparency and accountability is all that is required to be free from any controversy,” advocate and human rights activist Madan Mili said.