In a shocking video which emerged from Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, a man is seen mercilessly thrashing a boy who had gone to a temple to drink water. Since then, the police have arrested the man. The police said the man has been identified as Shringi Nandan Yadav, an engineering graduate from Bihar’s Bhagalpur. The victim is a young Muslim boy. The incident is a grim reminder of how religious hatred is growing in the country. Ever since the BJP came to power at the Centre, the Hindu hardliners have made life miserable for the minorities in the country.
The incident of lynching and bullying of minorities, in particular Muslims and Christians, have grown in the country. What is shocking is that the people involved in such heinous crimes often walk free without being held accountable. They are often supported by the right wing ecosystem, including the ruling establishment. Today, religious intolerance is growing in the country. The country is deeply getting divided on religious lines. The right wing supporters are causing massive damage to the social fabric of the nation. The toxic anti-minority campaign being unleashed by them is harming the nation. It might yield them political power but in the long run the country is going to suffer. The BJP and the RSS need to introspect. Before the situation turns worse, they need to stop the religious polarization in the country.