SANGRAM, 14 Jun: “Depriving eligible beneficiaries of their rights and benefits is a crime against humanity,” said Home Minister Bamang Felix on Tuesday, and directed the HoDs of Kurung Kumey district to “reach out to the last of the beneficiaries of various central and state government flagship programmes.”
The minister said this while reviewing the implementation of all PM and CM flagship programmes in Nyapin assembly constituency. The review meeting, held at the SDO office in Pokriang here, was attended by HoDs, representatives of the NHIDCL and the SBI, and PRI leaders.
Expressing dissatisfaction over low enrollment of eligible beneficiaries under a few central and state flagship programmes, Felix directed all the officers concerned to “undertake rectification measures and make progress by next review meeting, which will be held next month.”
Emphasising on undertaking field visits, the minister said that the officials concerned “should not depend on beneficiaries to turn up and instead make it a point that they reach out to the eligible beneficiaries wherever required.”
He further directed the Kurung Kumey deputy commissioner to conduct “HoD review meetings every fortnight and report its progress and achievements for the e-pragati meetings which is held every month by Chief Minister Pema Khandu.”
Felix also asked the HoDs to involve the PRI members in every beneficiary-oriented scheme.
“HoDs and PRIs should open a communication line and cooperate with each other in identifying and motivating eligible beneficiaries through field visits and awareness initiatives,” he said.
“Our effort should be towards making Kurung Kumey self-reliant by meeting up with the aspirations and expectations of the people,” said Felix.
NHIDCL General Manager Prabhakar Kumar informed that construction works under Package 3 to 6 of the Joram-Koloriang road, including bridges, will be completed in all respects by 31 January, 2023.
As for Packages 7 and 8, which are facing unexpected hurdles in the form of sliding zones at various locations, “the matter will be sorted out post monsoon,” informed Kumar.
He also assured to establish camps at all the sinking zone sites with proper machineries to ensure uninterrupted flow of traffic along the Joram-Koloriang road.