10th Lhagyala Rinpoche’s birthday celebrated

DIRANG, 27 Mar: The 8th birth anniversary of the 10th Lhagyala Rinpoche – the throne holder of the 7th century old Lhagyala monastery in Morshing village – was celebrated at the Thupsung Dargye Ling monastery here in West Kameng district on Monday.

Tenzin Wangchen, recognised as the 10th Lhagyala Rinpoche by the 14th Dalai Lama, is presently pursuing his monastic education at the Namgyal monastery in McLeod Ganj in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh.

The sponsor of the celebration, Rinchin Tsering, said that “it is our prime responsibility to follow the path of love and compassion shown by all our learned and revered rinpoches.”

Jigmey Rinpoche of the Thupsung Dargye Ling monastery, along with other monks, GBs, panchayat leaders, students, and members of the public offered butter lamps and held special prayers for the good health and longevity of the Lhagyala Rinpoche.

Schoolbags, textbooks, drawing books and other stationery items were distributed among the young monks of the monastery.